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Tuition and Financial Support

We believe all children deserve a quality Christian education taught by experienced instructors. Tuition is the main income stream that allows Ridge Academy to operate and provide an exceptional academic, God-centered education. 

Financial support comes in from businesses making use of the Pennsylvanian Education Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program. EITC funds are contributed to Ridge Academy and then distributed to qualifying families as determined by a 3rd party organization. 

At Ridge Academy, we know that financial assistance is an important part of a family’s decision to attend a Christian school.  We strongly encourage families to apply for tuition assistance. Eligibility factors are detailed here at the Christian Tuition Fund.

To submit an application to determine financial assistance eligibility, click on the Simple Tuition Solutions button below:

Ridge Academy Tuition

  1. Application Fee (one time) $50 Non-refundable
  2. Seat Reservation Fee (Annual) $150 Non-refundable fee applied to annual tuition at the completion of the enrollment process
  3. 2024-2025 Annual Tuition: $6,800

Your child’s place is secured at the completion of the enrollment process.

Tuition includes most books, supplies and participation in many student activities.

Payment Plan Option

12-Month Payment Plan with Automatic Payments, due on the 5th of each month – these payments will be withdrawn automatically from the account you designate in the Ridge Academy payment system.

Financial assistance options will be reviewed during the Family Conference.